RED Priestess
APHRODITE Anointing Oil
APHRODITE Anointing Oil
APHRODITE, Greek Goddess of Love and Mischief.
Daughter of the sea, Aphrodite is the Goddess of beauty, love, and pleasure. Though She rules marriages and the love within them, She is also the Goddess of illicit affairs. Thought to have originated from the Mesopotamian Goddesses Astarte and Ishtar, Aphrodite has been associated with war and battles. She teaches dedication and love of the self, attracts passionate encounters, and is known for her quick responses to petitions.
The APHRODITE Anointing Oil was created from divine intention, and can be used to anoint the body and/or ritually bless sacred tools before any magickal working or ceremony. This holy perfume oil is especially effective as an anointing to the hands, feet, and heart before meditation and sensual rituals.
A lovely blend of red apple and cinnamon in a rose oil base, infused with botanical rose petals.
This oil has been blessed, consecrated, and is ready for use.
10 mL bottle with intuitively chosen gemstone roller and gold cap.