RED Priestess
Blessed Sage Mist
Blessed Sage Mist
Sage is burned in various cultures and spiritualities as “smudge sticks” in order to purify a person or space of negative energy. This liquid sage spray allows you to clear harmful, stagnant energies from your aura and your living areas without setting off the smoke alarm! Spray the mist in your home, office, ceremonial space, yoga studio – anywhere negative energy and vibrations needs to be cleansed.
Blessed Sage Mist can also be used to purify ritual objects and your hands before healing work. Each bottle includes quartz crystal gem essence, which continuously amplifies the blend.
Ingredients: deionized moon-blessed water, white sage, rosewater, solar-evaporated sea salt, quartz crystal essence, vegetable emulsifier
Available in 2-ounce or 4-ounce bottles.